procedure RotateBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap; Angle: Double; BackColor: TColor); type TRGB = record B, G, R: Byte; end; pRGB = ^TRGB; pByteArray = ^TByteArray; TByteArray = array[0..32767] of Byte; TRectList = array [1..4] of TPoint;
var x, y, W, H, v1, v2: Integer; Dest, Src: pRGB; VertArray: array of pByteArray; Bmp: TBitmap;
procedure SinCos(AngleRad: Double; var ASin, ACos: Double); begin ASin := Sin(AngleRad); ACos := Cos(AngleRad); end;
function RotateRect(const Rect: TRect; const Center: TPoint; Angle: Double): TRectList; var DX, DY: Integer; SinAng, CosAng: Double; function RotPoint(PX, PY: Integer): TPoint; begin DX := PX - Center.x; DY := PY - Center.y; Result.x := Center.x + Round(DX * CosAng - DY * SinAng); Result.y := Center.y + Round(DX * SinAng + DY * CosAng); end; begin SinCos(Angle * (Pi / 180), SinAng, CosAng); Result[1] := RotPoint(Rect.Left, Rect.Top); Result[2] := RotPoint(Rect.Right, Rect.Top); Result[3] := RotPoint(Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom); Result[4] := RotPoint(Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom); end;
function Min(A, B: Integer): Integer; begin if A < B then Result := A else Result := B; end;
function Max(A, B: Integer): Integer; begin if A > B then Result := A else Result := B; end;
function GetRLLimit(const RL: TRectList): TRect; begin Result.Left := Min(Min(RL[1].x, RL[2].x), Min(RL[3].x, RL[4].x)); Result.Top := Min(Min(RL[1].y, RL[2].y), Min(RL[3].y, RL[4].y)); Result.Right := Max(Max(RL[1].x, RL[2].x), Max(RL[3].x, RL[4].x)); Result.Bottom := Max(Max(RL[1].y, RL[2].y), Max(RL[3].y, RL[4].y)); end;
procedure Rotate; var x, y, xr, yr, yp: Integer; ACos, ASin: Double; Lim: TRect; begin W := Bmp.Width; H := Bmp.Height; SinCos(-Angle * Pi/180, ASin, ACos); Lim := GetRLLimit(RotateRect(Rect(0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height), Point(0, 0), Angle)); Bitmap.Width := Lim.Right - Lim.Left; Bitmap.Height := Lim.Bottom - Lim.Top; Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor; Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height)); for y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do begin Dest := Bitmap.ScanLine[y]; yp := y + Lim.Top; for x := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin xr := Round(((x + Lim.Left) * ACos) - (yp * ASin)); yr := Round(((x + Lim.Left) * ASin) + (yp * ACos)); if (xr > -1) and (xr < W) and (yr > -1) and (yr < H) then begin Src := Bmp.ScanLine[yr]; Inc(Src, xr); Dest^ := Src^; end; Inc(Dest); end; end; end;
begin Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; Bmp := TBitmap.Create; try Bmp.Assign(Bitmap); W := Bitmap.Width - 1; H := Bitmap.Height - 1; if Frac(Angle) <> 0.0 then Rotate else case Trunc(Angle) of -360, 0, 360, 720: Exit; 90, 270: begin Bitmap.Width := H + 1; Bitmap.Height := W + 1; SetLength(VertArray, H + 1); v1 := 0; v2 := 0; if Angle = 90.0 then v1 := H else v2 := W; for y := 0 to H do VertArray[y] := Bmp.ScanLine[Abs(v1 - y)]; for x := 0 to W do begin Dest := Bitmap.ScanLine[x]; for y := 0 to H do begin v1 := Abs(v2 - x)*3; with Dest^ do begin B := VertArray[y, v1]; G := VertArray[y, v1+1]; R := VertArray[y, v1+2]; end; Inc(Dest); end; end end; 180: begin for y := 0 to H do begin Dest := Bitmap.ScanLine[y]; Src := Bmp.ScanLine[H - y]; Inc(Src, W); for x := 0 to W do begin Dest^ := Src^; Dec(Src); Inc(Dest); end; end; end; else Rotate; end; finally Bmp.Free; end; end;
// Использование RotateBitmap(Image1.Picture.Bitmap, StrToInt(Edit1.Text), clWhite);